I’ve been able to complete the video about chapter 10 of the book of Daniel. While this chapter isn’t a prophetic chapter, it is one of the strongest ones in the Bible to show the realities of the spiritual world and the battles that go on there. Daniel chapter 10 presents the scene and the events leading up to one of the most significant messages ever given to a prophet of God in the Old Testament. So significant in fact that Jesus of Nazareth Himself some 550 years later specifically referred to parts of the messenger given by an angel to Daniel in this experience. And Jesus went on to say of this, “whoever reads, let him understand”.
Daniel chapters 10 through 12 are almost certainly one event but it was divided up into chapters, perhaps because it was so long. I’m very glad to be getting this video up on YouTube, the first one I have done in English in 6 years. Presently I am far along with the next video after this one. That one covers Daniel 11 from verses 1 to 31. Here’s is the link to the Daniel 10 video: