What could “the Bible Belt” have to do with the prophetic End Time? Bear with me, there’s ground to explore here. For those outside the USA and not familiar with the term “Bible Belt”, I’ll explain.
The Bible Belt is a term generally given to the southeastern United States. At the same time it’s referring to the large number of Christians in that part of the USA who’ve continued to keep the faith in fundamental Christianity. This region has continued to have more ardent believers who identify as socially conservative Christians, compared to any other part of the country.
The Bible Belt is where I come from and now reside. I was not raised a Christian. By the age of 12, I loved to debate Christians my age, to mock and break their faith. Most often, I was successful since so many were weak in faith and shallow in their Christian experience.
But all the while, there was the influence of my Methodist grandparents, back when being a Methodist meant something. Sadly, over that last 50 to 60 years, that movement has deteriorated into a gender-fluid miasma of quasi-Christian verbiage and has functionally ceased to be the Christian influence that it was for 200 years. But my grandparents were of the generation in which they still “flew the flag” of genuine Christianity and that strongly impacted me, even at the age of 5 or 6.
What in the world does this have to do with the prophetic End Time? The Bible says there will be those going through the final days before the coming of the Lord who “will be strong and do exploits.” There will be Christians here who’ll stand up against the Antichrist and will be victors, even as many are martyred.
“They overcame him (the coming Antichrist) by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death.” (Rev. 12:11) This is in the chapter that speaks most clearly about “the woman in the wilderness”, which I believe to be the saved believers on earth in the final days.
There are a number of places in the Bible that clearly foretell of discipleship Christians alive and prospering in the end time before the coming of the Lord, who are teaching, witnessing and letting their lights shine in the final days before the return of Jesus to this earth.
As I survey my horizon, I do feel that those fervent believers across the USA “Bible Belt” have a reservoir of faith and conviction solid enough that, in the final end time, they’ll recognize what’s going on and will stand up to be some of the Lord’s strongest witnesses in the “great tribulation” (see Matthew 24:21, Daniel 12:1), before the Lord returns to establish His kingdom.
At this present time, these millions of “Bible Belt” Christians are being mocked and marginalized by the modern, Christ-less American media. They’re maligned as racist, bigoted, “homophobic”, uneducated remnants of a distant and indecent past. So the media voice of “this present world” would have us believe.
One place that shows the transformation happening to many American Christians is in the battle against the woke/Progressive agenda becoming fully dominate in public schools. Recently, I’ve been encouraged to see parents and grandparents realizing the necessity of standing up for their Christian values in the present battle for the soul of public education here. I wrote about my experiences with this in “Check out your local school board”.
I see many American Christians who are in a rather steep learning curve presently. They are seeing their American nationalism, a foundation stone for millions here, has to now be reevaluated as my nation daily moves more speedily away from the Godly moorings it was established on in earlier times.
Speaking plainly, I do feel that “the woman in the wilderness” of Revelation 12:6 & 14 may include these Bible Belt Christians who are now finding that the only thing they have left, as times “wax worse and worse”, is their foundation of faith in God that they learned from their forefathers. Ardent American Christians are increasingly realizing that the basic Christian decency this nation was steeped in for generations has been abandoned and swept away by the “woke/progressive” hordes who presently dominate our national debate.
As the final end times come ever closer, “Bible Belt” Christians will find that they’ve been tragically misled by those who’ve told them they will be “raptured just any minute”. And as one prop and falsehood after the other is seen by them to be a lie, they’ll come to find that the truth that they’ve known in Jesus is still as strong as ever. And probably much to their surprise, they’ll become some of the ones who’ll be the strongest voices for the cause of Christ as the darkness rapidly descends upon this world and this nation, before His return.
I’ve written on this subject before and it might be good to including links to those places, to provide context and a more complete view. I wrote, while in Bulgaria, about “the women fled into the wilderness”. Here’s the link to that: https://www.propheciesofdaniel.com/fleeing-into-the-wilderness-in-bulgaria/
And is anyone presently living a brand of discipleship Christianity that could be an example and foreshadowing of the endtime Christians to come? I wrote this article about a young American family who currently remind me of future end time Christians to come. There’s even been a movie made about them. https://www.propheciesofdaniel.com/living-end-time-exploits-now/
Uinsin O'Risghaigh says
Antichrist will is or will be born in the bible belt USA that is my opinion.
Mark McMillion says
Interesting viewpoint. I’ll add here the link to my video on Daniel chapter 8. In that chapter there is a pretty specific passage that declares from which part of the world the Antichrist will arise from. Here is the link to that video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS7OPcimXds&t=1s