What am I working on nowadays? “The Last 7 Years” “The 70th Week of Daniel”. Some of you know what this is and it possibly sends a slight shiver down your spine, as it does to me. Because you know that this subject, based around the last verse in chapter 9 of the book of Daniel, is really the crux, the linchpin, the keystone around which most of the unfulfilled prophecies in the Bible gather.
So this has really sharpened my focus as well as my desperation to try to make this next video to be equal to the subject matter, which is about as significant and compelling as is possible to be. Some of you know that. You know the controversy surrounding this subject and even this verse which the video will be centered around. But for those of you who don’t know what this is about, I’ll try to do a short explanation.

If you saw the video I completed around 6 weeks ago, “The 69 Weeks“, you’ll know that an incredibly specific prophecy was given by the angel Gabriel to the prophet Daniel when he was probably into his 80’s. You can see the whole video here or read the text here. But what we found was that there was still the very end of this prophecy yet to be fulfilled. There was a 7 year period that had not yet happened which would complete the fullness of what Gabriel told Daniel would happen.
A couple of nights ago I was at a small Christian gathering and I met a man in his 40’s who I didn’t know. I ended up telling this new friend that it was folks like him who kept me going and inspired in what I am doing. In fact, I told him that sometimes I sort of, in my mind, multiply people like him by around 50 million. Because I think there’s easily 50 million people like him around the world who are looking for the truths of Bible prophecy.
He’s got a good job, married and most would consider him successful. But he knows something’s going on. He knows there are some really important things in the Bible that are predicted to happen someday and he really wonders if we are on the cusp of, or are already into, those times. But he can’t find very much in the way of substance when he tries to research and get to the bottom of what the prophets in the Bible said.
So it’s folks like him that keep me inspired. Because the Lord continues to lay it on my heart that there are so many, all over the world, who want the truth, particularly about prophecy and the future.
Daniel 9:27, and later verses in Daniel 11, are the place in Scripture where the Old Testament and the New Testament meet. Jesus referred to these verses when He was asked about His future return to earth in Matthew 24 and Mark 13. From these verses and the things that Jesus told us (and Paul after Him), we can go to Revelation chapter 13 and again find things that are mentioned in the prophecies of Daniel.
So I’m either going to give you all the details right now or I’m not. And I’m not right here because that’s what I’m working on right now, to try to find the very best way to present this material. I hope and am planning that this video I’m working on now will be out some time in September.
If you would, please do pray for me at this time. I don’t often ask for prayer but I do feel a need for this now. One of the most important stages in preparing a video like this is the scripting of the text. It can’t be just some stale, verbose narrative. The subject is so alive with meaning and consequence for our times that I feel a responsibility to somehow convey these truths in as clear a way as possible when writing the text. Your prayers for this are much appreciated.
Lord willing and Lord helping me, this video on “The Last 7 Years” should be out in the next 6 to 8 weeks. Thanks for the words of encouragement I’ve received from many of you. I’m looking forward to having this next video out soon.
Your friend in Him,
Praying for you! The 69 weeks video is great. You certainly keeping busy! GBY!
I am really looking forward to the next video. Praying that God would give you the best words and would protect the whole process including you.