Sometimes I write things and really wonder if I should publish it or not. This is an article like that. I’ve wondered if it is just too “out there”, too far out for most people and they’d wonder about my sanity. So I’ve held onto this one for several months. But now I’ve decided to go ahead and publish it. As they said in the movie ”Matrix”, “Buckle your seat belt because Kansas is going bye-bye.”
One of the strongest dreams I ever had in my life was when I was in Copenhagen, Denmark in the 70’s. I woke up from it because it was so electrifying. Then, when I went back to sleep again, I went right back into the middle of it. The dream was about the very End Time, in the Last Days or the final years before the Second Coming of Jesus. It also was about movies.
In my dream about the future, it had happened that so much spiritual truth and knowledge of the spiritual world had come into the modern world through movies that the world had become a much more spiritual place, both for good and for bad. In the dream I could feel that my friends and I had incredibly enhanced spiritual powers, with powers to do miracles like in the Bible. But also, at the same time, the ungodly and the unsaved had also acquired powers from the dark side.
It was like the time in the Bible when Aaron cast his rod at the feet of the Pharaoh and it became a serpent. But then Pharaoh’s priests cast their rods the same way and their rods also became serpents. As they all watched, then Aaron’s rod which had become a snake ate the rods which had become snakes of the Pharaoh’s priests.
God’s representatives and Satan’s representatives had powers then to do miracles which in our times most folks don’t even believe can happen. But in my dream of the future before the coming of the Lord, the world had become such a spiritual place that both my Christian friends and I, and the godless, had powers to do mighty miracles.
Another amazing thing I remembered from the dream was what year it was or at least what time. It was “1130”. No, not 1130 AD but Daniel chapter 11, verse 30. This is the last verse in that most significant chapter before the verse that Jesus personally referred to nearly 600 years later.
When Jesus was asked by His disciples about His return to the earth, He told first of a number of signs of the last days. But then He said, “When you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the Holy Place … then will be great tribulation…”. (Matthew 24: 15 &21)
And the specific verse that Jesus was referring to was Daniel 11:31. But in my dream, the future time I was living in was just one verse before that, Daniel 11:30. In other words, it was just at the last days, weeks or months before the beginning of the last 3½ years spoken of repeatedly in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation (see Revelation 13:5).
In my dream, we were telling what time or year it was by where we were in the series of events spoken of in Daniel chapter 11, the most complete chapter on the End Time. Do you think that in the future to come, things will be so traumatic, confusing and chaotic that the only way we’ll even know where we are in time is by knowing God’s Word and prophecy so well that we will know by events happening around us where we are in the countdown in God’s Word to the very final days before the return of Jesus?
It was such an incredible dream. Like I said, it woke me up but when I finally went back to sleep, I went right back into it. It was a very incredible feeling to know that you had powers to do the miracles spoken of in the Bible. But also that the workers of darkness had powers to do miracles through the power of Satan. In the future, things would become more spiritual in our world and people would be greatly enhanced with spiritual powers both for good and for evil because the overall level of faith would be raised and the awareness of spiritual things would be more common. And of course in many ways, we are already to that point in time.
But one of the strangest things was this. In this dream it was clear that movies would be a medium by which the world would become more aware of the spiritual world. In my dream, there had been a movie that contained so much spiritual truth and insight that it had basically changed people into believers, for good or for evil.
And in many ways, that has happened. It hasn’t been one movie but many which have raised the world’s awareness of the spiritual world, perhaps more than any other single medium. At the end of my dream, somewhat was telling me, “You really need to see more movies”.
And looking at it all 40 years later, it still rings true. We are moving still forward to the final days and they are going to be very spiritual. The Bible says of the people of the last days, “the people who do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits” (Daniel 11:32) and “they that understand among the people shall instruct many” (Daniel 11:33).
God’s people, some at least, will be strong, doing “exploits”, miracles, and they will be teaching and instructing many. If you want to read some specifics, read Revelation 11 about two special witnesses during the final endtime who will have miracle working powers similar to the prophet Elijah of the Old Testament.
But at the same time the book of Revelation says that the Christ-rejected mockers and defiers of God will also have powers to do miracles through “that old serpent, called the Dragon and Satan.” (Revelation 12:9) Those times will come and in many ways are just very near.
So much “truth” is conveyed through movies now. It’s not the fully pure and holy truth that we find in God’s Word. But some movies pull back the curtain on the spiritual world, often showing much more bad and evil than good. But still, many realities of the spiritual world are portrayed there. Those realities are observed by millions and they are held accountable for the reality and truth they see there.
So, just make sure you chose the good side. Chose the God of light, “the Father of Spirits” (Hebrews 12:9). Get your powers and knowledge from the God of Love and His Son, not the evil, seducing dark side that leads us to doom and death. Jesus said, “I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that lives and believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whoso believes in me shall never die.” (John 11:25 & 26)
He’s coming soon. I hope you’re prepared to meet Him.
David says
Thank you for sharing your prophetic dream with us Mark, it is uplifting. We have a ministry to evangelise to a frightened world as things seem to spin out of control and we move toward our Lord’s return. Sites such as yours, in my view, help to lead Christians to speak the truth boldly, based in the Word. I believe that just as the Lord used the technology of the printing press to spread understanding of the gospel during the Reformation, He is using the internet to spread knowledge of truth in our times. God bless you in this important ministry.