I’ve been able to complete a 29 minute video on Daniel chapter 8. You can click here to see the full version.
There is also a two minute clip of the video for those who’d like to have a preview.
This is the fourth in the series of videos I’ve been working on concerning Bible prophecy and the prophetic chapters in the book of Daniel. A large part of this video is filled with illustrations of Daniel, the angel Gabriel, “the ram and the goat”, Alexander the Great, and the Antichrist of the endtime. Much of this was partially fulfilled in ancient history. But it’s explained in the video how there are important parts that are yet to be fulfilled in the times leading up to the return of Jesus.
This chapter builds solidly on the previous revelations of Daniel chapter 7 where we saw the 4 beasts. But, in putting the video together, I was struck by how much this chapter lays the groundwork for what is revealed in perhaps the most important chapter, Daniel 9.
For example, a difficult part of Daniel 8 is where, almost out of the blue, two angels are discussing “the sanctuary”, “the daily sacrifice” and “the transgression that makes desolate”. These are all totally new subjects to these visions and prophecies but they introduce key factors in the revelation of Daniel 9.
For those who are new to all this, understanding this information and seeing how it all fits is a challenge. In fact, we find that during this revelatory experience, Daniel evidently faints twice. He said the vision disturbed him for days and that he didn’t himself understand it. So we can expect that it will not be all that easy to understand for those who are going over these things for the first time.
There’s much in this chapter about Greece and Alexander the Great. There is also key information about the Antichrist of the endtime. And we note that Gabriel specifically tells Daniel three times that the vision relates to “the end”. This is particularly important because some Bible teachers have tried to say that the most important parts of this chapter were already fulfilled in the century or two before the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
As I’ve done in the other videos, this class has been produced with the target audience being folks who are mostly new to the subject of Bible prophecy. There are English subtitles which will help those whose first language is not English.
I hope this video will be a blessing to you and yours. I’d be glad to hear any questions or comments on how these videos can be more of a help to you. You can reach me at mark@propheciesofdaniel.com. God bless you, love you lots! Mark
Cameron says
I just watched your video about Daniel 8. It was a very good refresher course for me since I haven’t studied the Endtime in a long while. I like how you are so patient and understanding in your delivery and you make this class more understandable, as difficult as it can be. God bless you and please keep up the good work you’re doing!
Mark McMillion says
Thanks, good to hear from you. I wrote a blog post shortly after finishing that video to let folks know what’s in the pipeline concerning the next videos in the Daniel series. It’s called “What’s Next?” Here’s the link: https://www.propheciesofdaniel.com/2013/09/whats-next/
Mark, your DANIEL 8 video class is quite appreciated as prophecy is very important to me. My website is also listed as Reocities on the Blog Roll of the Good News Blog. It is not a blog but an archived geocities website that I started in 1998 on suresite, then thransferred over to geocities. It features my gallery, Apocalypse on the Loom of my weavings influenced by hearing David’s Garden of Eden series while meditatively weaving alone in my bedroom circa 1982 through 1991.