Many of you reading these posts know that I’ve been continuing to work on the book of Daniel video series. Recently I’ve begun again on the next video in the series, Daniel chapter 8. This was started some time back but was “put on the back burner” because of quiet a few other projects and moves that were going on. But now I’ve been able to get back to where this video is the main thing I’m working on and I’m really glad about that.

As I delve into the specifics and details of this chapter, it’s again almost like renewing a love relationship. All these things are just amazing and fascinating. But it strikes me so strongly once again that these truths are virtually unknown, even to a large number of Bible-believing Christians.
This is another chapter where Daniel sees strange and awesome scenes of beasts which are signifying world powers to come, very much like in the chapter before, Daniel chapter 7. And when I think and remember that this is all God-given and written over 2500 years ago, it just amazes me.
One of the most amazing things is how each chapter establishes astonishing but understandable truths and then they build on each other, as the chapters and visions unfold. Daniel chapter 2 is basic and simple, rooted in history but like a children’s primer for the beginnings of understanding Bible prophecy and visions from God.
Then Daniel 7 is based on the information first given in Daniel 2, while also taking it all to a much higher level and with more truth and details revealed than was seen in chapter 2.
And in the same way, Daniel chapter 8 has similarities to Daniel 7 with the vision of beasts. But it also goes on from there to have a very significant monologue from the angel Gabriel to Daniel.
This is where we are taken forward to new ground, new events and specifics of the future which we first hear of in this chapter. And these new truths become some of the central subjects of endtime studies. Even Jesus Himself when He was on earth, over 500 years later, spoke of things that are mentioned for the first time in Daniel chapter 8.
And then I remember, this wasn’t devised by some clever earthly author. No person somewhere decided he was going to craft these things this way, layer upon layer, slowly revealing more and more truth and leading upward to the truths to come in Daniel chapter 9. The future events revealed in that chapter are known by so few. But it is possibly the most significant prophetic chapter in the Old Testament.
This was all done by God. Daniel was just the instrument He chose to reveal these things through. At times Daniel himself didn’t even understand what he was seeing. Some of the experiences, like in chapters 8 and 10, seem to have been so heavy that it virtually slew Daniel with the power of the revelation, leaving him sprawled on the ground and almost lifeless until an angel came to touch him and strengthen him to receive God’s truth.
So Daniel chapter 8 is a major transition chapter. It has another series of beasts representing world powers to come, like in Daniel 7. But it also introduces for the first time words and phrases referring to future events that are some of the main themes of the next chapter, Daniel chapter 9.
As they say in America, “I’m just tickled pink” that I can be where I am right now, working daily to get this next video to you. It’s going well. I don’t want to project a date as to when it will be ready but I don’t think this is going to take nearly the amount of time that the Daniel 7 video did.
Cautiously looking beyond this current Daniel 8 project, I see ahead (Lord helping me) two videos full of truths so amazing and significant that words really fail me. Those two will be based on “The Seventy Weeks” prophecy in Daniel chapter 9. I hope to do one video on “The first 69 weeks” and then another one on “The 70th week”.
If you have no idea what “The Seventy Weeks” are, just hold on. It’s worth waiting for. And please keep me in your prayers. These truths changed my life so many years ago and helped set me on the path of faith and Christian service throughout my adult life. It’s wonderful to know that the Lord is making a way that I can share all this with you via video. I expect the Daniel 8 video to be ready in the next few months, Lord helping me. With much love, your friend, Mark